

547 Uppsatser om Axis Communications - Sida 1 av 37

Informationshantering och -spridning på Axis Communications AB

In a complex and turbulent world, several companies begin to realize the value of information as a strategic resource and try to find strategies to manage this. This master thesis aims to describe the information management at Axis Communications AB. Axis is a fast growing company and due to this they have not been able to manage the flow of information whitin the company. To find out how the information was managed at this time we made a survey and employee interviews at three Axis business units. By analyzing the surveys and interviews we found several problems.

Kunskapsöverföring, Utvärdering och Lönsamhet - tre perspektiv på utbildning - en fallstudie av Axis Communications'' Academy

Vår studie är inriktad på att finna en heltäckande modell för lönsamhetsberäkningar på utbildning mellan företag. Genom en fallstudie har vi studerat Axis Communications' Academy, där Axis Communications utbildar sina kunder inom nätverkskameror. Vi har fört samman avkastningsberäkningar (RoI) med kunskapsöverföring och utvärdering av utbildning till en modell vi kommit att kalla Modell för Kunskapsöverföring, Utvärdering och Lönsamhet, KUL-modellen. Modellen har sammanfört tidigare forskning inom Knowledge Transfer och Human Resource Development, för att komplettera RoI. I modellen framgår att det går att mäta kunskapsöverföringen i en utbildning genom faktorerna Erfarenhet, Avstånd, Relation, Motivation, Reaktion, Implicitet och Specificitet.

Axis Mundi

Axis Mundi - Ett examensarbete som undersöker om tvärvetenskap kan användas som alternativ process i skapandet av arkitektur. I arbetet formgavs en helig struktur efter den tvärvetenskapliga undersökningen, som sedan användes som en scenografi i en dansfilm..

Organisk tillväxt eller tillväxt via förvärv - en studie av Axis Communications och Bringwell

Syfte: Vårt syfte är att belysa företags val av tillväxtstrategierna organiskt tillväxt och tillväxt via förvärv. Genom att analysera två företag övergripande teoretiskt och empiriskt praktiskt skall slutsatser dras hur valet av respektive tillväxtstrategi har framkommit och om tillväxtstrategierna påverkar eller påverkas av organisationen och av företagskulturen. Metod:Vi har valt att arbeta utifrån en abduktiv ansats. Undersökningen baseras på en kvalitativ fallstudie av Axis och Bringwells tillväxtstrategier. Teoretiska perspektiv:I teorin behandlas tillväxt och olika strategier för tillväxt som ett företag kan tillämpa.

Kundanpassad LCA för nätverkskameror

Antalet övervakningskameror i samhället ökar, samtidigt som deras miljöpåverkan är relativt okänd. För en produkt som tidigare bara utvärderats gällande prestanda, börjar kunderna nu efterfråga en kartläggning av miljöpåverkan. Kamerans miljöpåverkan studeras ur ett livscykelperspektiv: energi- och materialtillförsel samt utsläpp och avfall som berör allt ifrån råmaterialutvinning till slutåtervinning. Projektet är genomfört på begäran av, och för, Axis Communications AB (härmed refererade till som Axis) med huvudsyfte att öka Axis kunskap om deras produkters miljöpåverkan och utveckla en metod för genomförande av förenklade livscykelanalyser på Axis produkter. Livscykelanalysen, LCA, genomförs på en nätverkskamera utvecklad av Axis Communications AB; modell AXIS Q6032-E PTZ.

Kraftanalys och framtagning av mätanordning för vertikala vindkraftverket Lucias bärarmar

The project contains a force analysis of the vertical axis wind turbine Lucia's supporting arms and a measuring device to experimentally measure the forces is made. The forces between the supporting arms and the tower are calculated theoretically and then simulated by a computere. A measuring devise is then designed to measure the forces experimentally. The forces acting on the attachment between the supporting arms and the tower is primarily the centripetal force, gravitational force and the aerodynamic forces on the rotor wings. The maximum forces were theoretically calculated and is 13.38 kN along the x-axis, -0.25 kN along the y-axis and then 0.5 kN along the z-axis.

Analys och dimensionering av robusta kilspårsförband

This master thesis comprises analysis and dimensioning of a keyed joint between a generator axis and a hub with aid from the FEM-software ANSYS Workbench 13.0.The generator axis is a part of a hydroelectric power station that generates electricity with a reactions turbine, a Kaplan turbine. The existing keyway consists of one parallel key with the width 90 mm and height 45 mm. Due to a planned increase of the power of the generated power with 32 % a design study was needed to see if the keyed joint would be suitable for the extra force. Because of the fact that the axis diameter is bigger than the standards covers/recommends a the keyway had to be re-dimensioned. In an earlier assignment from Skellefteå Kraft AB to Sweco Energuide the keyway was planned to be properly dimensioned, but no final solution was approved.During this master thesis a number of different numerical tests were made.

Undersökning av energiförbrukning och konceptutveckling av mer energisnåla frukostmaskiner

This master thesis comprises analysis and dimensioning of a keyed joint between a generator axis and a hub with aid from the FEM-software ANSYS Workbench 13.0.The generator axis is a part of a hydroelectric power station that generates electricity with a reactions turbine, a Kaplan turbine. The existing keyway consists of one parallel key with the width 90 mm and height 45 mm. Due to a planned increase of the power of the generated power with 32 % a design study was needed to see if the keyed joint would be suitable for the extra force. Because of the fact that the axis diameter is bigger than the standards covers/recommends a the keyway had to be re-dimensioned. In an earlier assignment from Skellefteå Kraft AB to Sweco Energuide the keyway was planned to be properly dimensioned, but no final solution was approved.During this master thesis a number of different numerical tests were made.

Knowledge and focus, a condition for continuing sales growth

Problem discussion:To be competitive in a changeable environment, as the video surveillance market, in a time when the company and the market grow with almost 40% yearly, the sales organization must be well trimmed and effective. Knowledge about customers? needs and what makes success are essential parts of the progress. Sales Product Management (Sales PM) is a new group at Axis with the main task to support local sales offices around the world in their work with different sales projects. Because of the number of ongoing projects Sales PM needs to be able to screen among these and focus on those where their help will be most valuable for the company.

Bulleremissioner från vertikalaxlade vindkraftverk

Wind power in Sweden is expanding in response to the government's decision that 49% of Sweden's power should originate from renewable energy sources by the year 2020. Problems with noise and sound emissions related to wind turbines are a constant argument against the wind power expansion and this paper means to examine if vertical axis wind turbines might be a viable alternative to the conventional horizontal design for noise sensitive areas. In order to determine factors like difference in frequency, noise propagation and noise emission level, measurements of both horizontal and vertical axis wind turbines have been completed and the data analyzed with MATLAB. It is shown that there is a difference in how the noise from the two types of turbines propagates due to avariation in the frequency spectra of the emitted sound. It is also shown that vertical axis wind turbines generate a lower sound emission with less intensity inthe lower frequencies..

Knowledge and focus, a condition for continuing sales growth

Problem discussion: To be competitive in a changeable environment, as the video surveillance market, in a time when the company and the market grow with almost 40% yearly, the sales organization must be well trimmed and effective. Knowledge about customers’ needs and what makes success are essential parts of the progress. Sales Product Management (Sales PM) is a new group at Axis with the main task to support local sales offices around the world in their work with different sales projects. Because of the number of ongoing projects Sales PM needs to be able to screen among these and focus on those where their help will be most valuable for the company. At the same time they have to know which kind of support their sales offices want and need.

Implementation av fältbuss ASIC i FPGA

HMS Industrial Networks AB is in need of changing a communications solution that iscurrently based on an ASIC. This will be achieved by moving the communications solution toa FPGA with the help of the programming language VHDL. By doing this, it is possible toreduce the need for specific circuits, get a more flexible platform and thus get a cheapersolution.This report describes a solution for how to move a network protocol from an ASIC to anFPGA. The report shows that the network slave device is working under the guidelines forthis project. This means that it is quite realistic to implement a fieldbus protocol on an FPGA,using VHDL and to maintain the same functionality as the earlier communications solution..

Omkonstruktion av treaxlig plockrobot och dess plockverktyg

This thesis has treated a three-axis robot which task is to serve a larger test machine tomove the modules to be tested, from the storage to the test site. The robot is composed ofthree linear actuators; two standard components of ball screw type and a custom-builtactuator of trapezoidal type. The work has mainly focused on the custom-built device to seeif it could be replaced with a standard component. Part of the work has been to look into thepicking tool and to see if there are any possibilities to improve its function.The report presents two different proposals which I decided to call Robot 1 and Robot 2 andthey aim to address the problems arising in the purpose-built linear unit and the X-axislinearity problems. Robot 1 focuses on eliminating the problems that arise around therobot's X-axis, with such simple means as possible and without making excessive materialchanges.

Att rekonstruera världen : tillämpade på de moderna olympiska spelen

The aim of this essay is to illustrate a modern phenomenon, the Olympic Games, by applying the ideas of Mircea Eliade concerning space, time and myth. This literature study is mainly divided in two parts, one descriptive and one analytic. In the first part Eliade?s ideas and some criticism, which has been pointed against his theoretical approaches as well as his character, are presented. In the second part an analysis is carried out, based on the previously presented ideas and elements essential for the Olympics; the idea of the Olympics, the place, the ceremonies, the competition and the concept of individual idolism.I have discussed what seems like gnostic tendencies in Eliade?s ideas, in the sense that both Eliade?s ideas and the concept of Gnosticism argue that knowledge is a necessary condition for salvation, as well as the fact that Eliade and his ideas have not always a pro-Christian approach.

Viral Facebook integration i mobilspelet Gravel

This thesis has treated a three-axis robot which task is to serve a larger test machine tomove the modules to be tested, from the storage to the test site. The robot is composed ofthree linear actuators; two standard components of ball screw type and a custom-builtactuator of trapezoidal type. The work has mainly focused on the custom-built device to seeif it could be replaced with a standard component. Part of the work has been to look into thepicking tool and to see if there are any possibilities to improve its function.The report presents two different proposals which I decided to call Robot 1 and Robot 2 andthey aim to address the problems arising in the purpose-built linear unit and the X-axislinearity problems. Robot 1 focuses on eliminating the problems that arise around therobot's X-axis, with such simple means as possible and without making excessive materialchanges.

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